Sunday, January 16, 2011

So I started a little late, but here is my first post!

I am starting off my first official Blog post on my Classroom Agriculture Blog a little later that I wanted.  That being said. I'm glad I have figured out how to navigate a blog so I can start this!  In the fall of 2010, I approached a teacher of a local 4th grade classroom.  He allowed me the opportunity to come in to his classroom once a month and teach his students about Agriculture!  I have a passion for the industry so many of us hold dear to our hearts and would love to encourage area youth to take it upon themselves to learn about this fantastic way of life!

As an Agronomist, this doesn't really fall into my job description.  However, thankfully I work for a company that encourages this practice and when I mentioned taking this opportunity my boss and co-workers were nothing but encouraging!

In the following blog posts I will highlight each session that I have had so far and will continue to update on events that give me the opportunity to teach about agriculture as well as some amazing opportunities I receive to learn about our industry!

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