I had mentioned a few times to the 4th graders that we may make ice cream for one of our classroom meetings.
North Dakota Farm Bureau graciously donated books to the students titled "Mini Milkmaids on the Moove" It is one of many Accurate Ag Books promoted by American Farm Bureau. Accurate Ag books are written for many reading levels to teach youth about the truths of Agriculture. In this particular book, written by a pair of young twin girls from Maryland and their mother, two girls get to experience many different aspects of the dairy industry. They tour a dairy farm where they help milk and feed, and also tour a creamery where they bottle milk and make ice cream! At the end of the book their are recipes for Ice Cream in a bag as well as Butter in a jar.
Dakota Agronomy Partners donated supplies for the students to make their own ice cream so after reading the book, the excited 4th graders got to work combining the ingredients and shaking their resealable bags for about 8 minutes. We even had chocolate toppings and the kids said it was delicious!
Shaking up the ice cream! |
brr looks like it's getting a little cold! |
The Birthday girl Trying out her ice cream! |
If you are interested in learning more about accurate Ag Books please check out the following webiste:
Great job in the Classroom! I love the picture of the gal wearing mittens while she makes her ice cream